It's been...
43 days of getting little sleep...
43 days of hard studying...
43 days of walking in the hot sun to catch the bus...
43 days of eating horrible lunch food...
43 days of freezing in the school classrooms...
43 days of waking up at 5:45 a.m. sharp...
43 days of this thing they call school.
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Still, I am loving all my new friends, nice teachers and of course my new crush, Keagan*. He's on the football team, he's funny, he's cute, he's nice, his laugh is cute, and he has a great personality.
Even though I'm really enjoying my time with my friends, I hate the work. I have to do a "seminar", where I write an essay, make a power-point and teach the class about a prompt that my teacher has given me. It's a difficult task considering that I only have about a week to work on it. I am so worn out with all this work!
Lucky for me, in 1,326 days, I'll be graduating from high school.
*names have been changed