I'm so excited to get all these shoes! I want to do a review on the shoe quality and website. You can only order on-line, but the return policy is great for me! Click on the pictures if you want to go to the direct link of each shoe.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Urban Original
Urban Original, urbanog.com, is my new favorite place to shop online for shoes. My birthday is coming up in 24 days so my mom has promised she will get me some shoes this weekend. I have five pairs already in mind. The reason I am ordering them so early is so that they don't get sold out, and because I want to wear them to school on my birthday.
The first shoes I'm getting are these Cut Out Thong Sandals from Orleans 09. I love them because the little heel makes my legs a little longer. I'm only 5'3, so this little heel helps. The best thing about them? They're only $9.20!
These are one of my favorites! I love the criss-cross ruffle at the top and I love the leather texture. The pointy toe makes them even cuter. I can't wait to wear them!
Next, these gold flats are adorable. It has small pleats on the top and a cute pointed toe. Just by looking at them, I can tell they are super comfortable. I hope I'm right!
I love these oxford shoes! They are such a classic style. But here, we have a modern version of it. These are pointed toes as well. From what I hear, these go with everything! So I can't wait to wear them.
These rhinestone flats are another of my favorites. The bow is so cute and innocent and I love pleats. The rhinestones add an extra touch of cute. I wanted them in pink but they were sold out in my size, so instead, I settled for these gray ones. Which are still very cute!
I'm so excited to get all these shoes! I want to do a review on the shoe quality and website. You can only order on-line, but the return policy is great for me! Click on the pictures if you want to go to the direct link of each shoe.
I'm so excited to get all these shoes! I want to do a review on the shoe quality and website. You can only order on-line, but the return policy is great for me! Click on the pictures if you want to go to the direct link of each shoe.
Urban Original,