I'm so excited to get all these shoes! I want to do a review on the shoe quality and website. You can only order on-line, but the return policy is great for me! Click on the pictures if you want to go to the direct link of each shoe.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Urban Original
Urban Original, urbanog.com, is my new favorite place to shop online for shoes. My birthday is coming up in 24 days so my mom has promised she will get me some shoes this weekend. I have five pairs already in mind. The reason I am ordering them so early is so that they don't get sold out, and because I want to wear them to school on my birthday.
The first shoes I'm getting are these Cut Out Thong Sandals from Orleans 09. I love them because the little heel makes my legs a little longer. I'm only 5'3, so this little heel helps. The best thing about them? They're only $9.20!
These are one of my favorites! I love the criss-cross ruffle at the top and I love the leather texture. The pointy toe makes them even cuter. I can't wait to wear them!
Next, these gold flats are adorable. It has small pleats on the top and a cute pointed toe. Just by looking at them, I can tell they are super comfortable. I hope I'm right!
I love these oxford shoes! They are such a classic style. But here, we have a modern version of it. These are pointed toes as well. From what I hear, these go with everything! So I can't wait to wear them.
These rhinestone flats are another of my favorites. The bow is so cute and innocent and I love pleats. The rhinestones add an extra touch of cute. I wanted them in pink but they were sold out in my size, so instead, I settled for these gray ones. Which are still very cute!
I'm so excited to get all these shoes! I want to do a review on the shoe quality and website. You can only order on-line, but the return policy is great for me! Click on the pictures if you want to go to the direct link of each shoe.
I'm so excited to get all these shoes! I want to do a review on the shoe quality and website. You can only order on-line, but the return policy is great for me! Click on the pictures if you want to go to the direct link of each shoe.
Urban Original,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Am I dreaming?
I can't believe it! But she is. Every Friday she picks 100 fans to follow and this time she picked me! I still cant believe it. This seriously made my life. I'm a HUGE fan of her. I was her last follow, I was the 100th and she isn't picking anymore this month! Thank you Keke!
Unfortunately, Keke is only following 100 fans every Friday of August. There's no more Fridays left in August, but hopefully she'll do it again another month.
Well, I hope you all are having a fantastic day as well!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Water Marble Manicure
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photo credit: mysimplelittlepleasures.blogspot.com |
This is going to be just a random post.
I gave myself a water-marble manicure! I know many people don't know how to do it or even what it is. So I'm going to tell you what it is and how to do it; it's a technique of painting your nails using water.
What you'll need:
-A cup or bowl (or anything you can dip your fingers in)
-2 different nail polish colors
-Napkins (preferably 3)
-Toothpicks (preferably 5)
-Nail polish remover
-Bottled water (optional)
-Petroleum Jelly or Chapstick
Step 1- Fill your cup or bowl with the bottled water, tap water is fine. Make sure it's room temp.

Step 2- Apply the petroleum jelly or chapstick all over your finger; front back and sides, down to your first knuckle. Avoid applying it to your actual nail. And only apply to one or two fingers at a time.

Step 3- Take the lighter color of the two nail polishes and apply it to all your nails. Including the ones with chapstick.

Step 4- Once that's dry, take either of the two polishes and drop a drop of it in the water. Then take the other polish and do the same. Continue this pattern at least three more times. Make sure you do this step quickly. You don't want to let it dry.

Step 5- Take the toothpick and move the nail polish around in the water. You want to create a pattern for your nails.

Step 6- Dip your fingernail directly into the pattern. Just pick which area you want to use.

Step 7- Take a toothpick and pick up the extra nail polish left in the water that is not on your nail.

Step 8- Take a napkin and remove the excess polish off your skin.
Step 9- Apply chapstick to another finger and repeat the above steps. Do this until you have painted all your fingernails.

Step 10- Use the q-tips and nail polish remover to clean up the edges of your fingers.
Step 11- OPTIONAL: Apply a top coat to your nails, if you'd like longer lasting polish.
Need more help? Watch this video. Please read the description first.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My Life is Average
We live in a world where people judge. That's all they do, JUDGE. Judge your clothes, judge your hair, judge your face, judge your body, judge your personality.
And in order to impress them, you have to be someone else.
It's like you can't be yourself anywhere. Let alone at school.
Even when you do fake being yourself, you get caught up in drama and hate and it never pays off.
So just enjoy your life, and seriously, don't let anyone bring you down.
11 Days and Counting...
I'm always tired and worn out by the end of the day. Thanks to school! So far, I have been in school 11 days. Thankfully, this week is almost over. Ive already had two quizzes and a test. TEST!? Ugh, highschool is going to kill me by the end of the year!
I already met a alot of new people, I can see myself liking them. Guys? Yeah, pretty hot guys here. One of them, cant stop turning around to stare at me. No...I'm not full of myself. He's either looking at me or the wall...
Anyway, school is going way better than I expected. I hope my sophomore year goes this amazing.
34 Mondays and 174 days to go...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
10 Random Facts About Me
I am a very religious Christian.

Ive lived in seven different homes. (We move a lot.)

Two of my aunts and uncles have died from a disease.
My first kiss was in kindergarten. I still remember his name...Timothy.

When I was 12, I ran up the cell phone bill to $2,000. I haven't had a cell phone since.

I'm bi-lingual. I speak fluent Creole and English...English is my first language.

My dog's name is Pepsi.

One of my biggest fears in life is getting pregnant.

I have a huge crush on Bradley Cooper.

I am ALL FOR gay rights. They are still human beings, just like you and me.

...More coming soon.
Ive lived in seven different homes. (We move a lot.)

Two of my aunts and uncles have died from a disease.
My first kiss was in kindergarten. I still remember his name...Timothy.
When I was 12, I ran up the cell phone bill to $2,000. I haven't had a cell phone since.
I'm bi-lingual. I speak fluent Creole and English...English is my first language.
My dog's name is Pepsi.
One of my biggest fears in life is getting pregnant.
I have a huge crush on Bradley Cooper.

I am ALL FOR gay rights. They are still human beings, just like you and me.
...More coming soon.
10 series,
Bradley Cooper,
cell phone,
gay rights,
Shemar Moore,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Summer Obsession
My last summer obsession is the song "Love The Way You Lie". I am obsessed! I love the music video, the meaning of the lyrics, and Rihanna's voice. I also love that Eminem is rapping about life and not "lil mamas gettin crunk". This is an amazing song by Eminem feat. Rihanna. I've been singing it all around school this week!
To see all my other summer obsession posts click here.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Six Days and Counting...
Today was the sixth day of school for me. As you might know, six days ago was my first day of school. So far, I am loving high school! I love the non-strict rules, the new people, the nice teachers, and the laid back dress code. Sure it's not all perfect, I don't have friends in two of my classes. But hey! It's a good way to make friends right?
I've seen Derek a few times in the halls, but we haven't talked. Which is probably a good thing. I need to get over him. I see my two best friends Eva and Sabrina everyday, so I know I'll survive.
I just hope the rest of this year is drama free and all about education and friends.
35 Mondays and 175 days of school to go...
first day of school,
freshman year,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
First Day of School Experience
8:00 pm, the night before- So, Ive been getting ready all day. I've waxed my brows, painted my nails, and Ive been debating outfits all day. I'm probably 70% normal, 10% excited, 20% nervous at this point.
7:17 am- Ive done my hair and makeup and Im all dressed. Now Im waiting for the bus to arrive. 40% normal, 30% nervous, 30% excited right now.
7:34 am- Im on the bus now, I found a friend from last year and we sat together. So I don't feel so alone and awkward. I'm 50% nervous, 50% normal.
4:03 pm- So I just got home. I rode the bus home, except it was funner in the afternoon. The day was really good. I met some new people. The teachers are really nice, the classrooms are easy to find, and the day went by fast. As of now, Im 70% normal, 30% nervous for tomorrow.
10:40 pm- Im about to go to bed. After an exhausting day, Im so ready for sleep! I'm not so nervous anymore. I can't wait for the weekend! I'm already tired of school and homework! 80% normal, 15% excited, 5% nervous. Goodnight.
24 Hours
In twenty four hours, I'll be in school. The first day of school is tomorrow. I'm excited, but nervous! I'm prepared, but not ready. I'll make new friends and enemies. Which is good, if people didn't have haters I think we wouldn't be so strong.
I'm going to update before and after school. I'll do one post at two different times. So you'll be updated on my first day as fresh meat.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Prop 8 was overturned! I'm so happy! If you didn't know, I am really big on gay rights. So when I heard that gay marriage was allowed in California in 2005, I was really excited! Then Prop 8 was passed. I don't understand why two people who love each other, gay or straight, aren't allowed to marry. Anyway, now Prop 8 is gone! Gay people have the right to marry again! Hopefully this time it'll last.
Click here for more on the defeat of Prop 8.
Summer Obsession
I could go on and on about why he's my obsession...
His smile is gorgeous, his voice is hot, his eyebrows are beautiful!
His body...makes me want to melt. I could spend hours staring at his perfectly-sculpted abs, and his huge biceps.
If you watch Criminal Minds. Derrick Morgan, his character, is so funny, manly, powerful, and just plain sexy!
He may be 40, but that doesn't stop me! I'll be fantasizing about him even when he's 50...
What's the point of life?
Recently I've been thinking...is life pointless? I mean we go through so much in our lifetime; pain, heartbreak, crime, illness, sadness and much more. In the end, there's no reward. We just die.
Sure, there's so much more to live for, like marriage, children, college, and all the happiness that life might bring.
But let's be realistic. Some of us have great lives, others just didn't get that blessed. For those, life is hell.
Its almost as if life is just some game. The winners are the ones who have everything they could ever imagine and are happy. The losers are the people who find themselves in tough situations they can never get out of. Others are still playing this sick game, hoping they win in the end.
That brings me to the thought...what is the point of life?
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