Tuesday, November 08, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 8

Your best and worst high school memory.

Well considering I'm going through my second year of high school right now, I'm just going to have to say something from this or last year.

My best high school memory was winning the Coach's Award at the track banquet. My freshman year and I got an award! Not everyone did.

Now that I think about it, a lot of my 9th grade track "career" had good memories.  Like the time I ran a 60 second 400 m dash, I thought I was badass then, lol. Later, I worked my butt off to the state meet (again, as a freshman!) and at state I ran my fastest 400 to date...59 seconds! I was so proud. I worked so hard and was so happy to finally reach my goal. Not to mention that I finally got to the 50 second range.

My worst high school memory? I don't really have one. Apart from feeling like I've lost my best friend several times, I've had a pretty decent high school life.

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