Sunday, November 06, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 6

On a happier note than my last post, let's get on with the challenge.

Top five favorite movies.

 Well this first one is no secret. I am obsessed with Titanic, it's my favorite movie of all time. So romantic!

Next would be My Sister's Keeper, my second favorite movie of all time. It's a touching story that makes me cry every time.

Another movie I love is The Time Traveler's Wife. The ending is really sad and I wish it ended differently but it's a good movie anyway.

Wow, five. I can't think of anything else at the moment...oh! Salt, with Angelina Jolie. Really amazing movie! I love pretty much any movie she stars in. I'm hoping there will be a sequel considering the way Salt ended.

Last one, hmm...? I'd say Mean Girls. Remember when I was mad about the sequel to Mean Girls, Mean Girls 2? Well, it's because I really love that movie! Seriously, one of the best movies by Disney and one of my favorite movies of all time.

If you haven't seen any of these movies, please get off your butt and go out and find them! You will not regret it.

P.S. How funny is this? "Jack is back". LOL, right...

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